Blu-ray Landing
The complete Series I-VIII in one high-definition boxset!
11 January, 2019
Well, it took a little bit longer than originally planned, but the day is finally here: Red Dwarf: The Complete Series I-VIII has arrived on Blu-ray!

The set collects the entire BBC-broadcast run of Red Dwarf, with the episodes painstakingly restored and upscaled into high-definition - with colour grading, sound enhancement and all manner of other tweaks and loving touches that show off the original episodes in their best possible light. You can read more about the restoration process here, but just to reiterate, we're not changing the content - this isn't Remastered, it's original-flavour Red Dwarf, just... better looking.
What's more, the whopping 19-disc set includes a vast assortment of extras relating to each series - in fact, everything that was produced for the original eight two- and three-disc DVD sets, and as a bonus thrown in at no extra charge, fantastic material from the hard-to-find Bodysnatcher Collection set.
(Incidentally, contrary to our previous reporting, we can now confirm that the bonus DVDs for each series do actually contain everything that was on their equivalent original release discs - including the original menus!)
All of this in one box, with absolutely gorgeous new retro-styled artwork... for less than forty quid. So cheap even Rimmer might prise his wallet open for it.
You can buy Red Dwarf I-VIII online at Amazon and assorted other online entertainment retailers, as well as in all good bricks-and-mortar stores (even Price Smashers, if you can find one). So... what are you waiting for?
Get your copy of Red Dwarf on Blu-ray now, and share your thoughts on the newly-restored episodes on Twitter with the #BluDwarf hashtag!