Bonus Package

Find out what's on the Red Dwarf XII home release!

17 November, 2017

You've only got a handful of days to wait until the Red Dwarf XII DVD and Blu-ray sets land in shops - in, as we told you last week, what is the fastest ever turnaround from the end of a production run to its disc release. But if you can't wait that long to find out what's going to be on the discs in addition to the six episodes themselves - well, we're here with our customary roundup of all the features to fill you in and give you a tantalising tease.

This time around, as well as another new 55-minute long "Making of" documentary, and the usual batches of deleted scenes and Smeg Ups, we've got a wide range of additional featurettes. Taking you back to the hardcore geeky days of the original series releases, these features go into a bit of extra depth on several behind-the-scenes elements of the Series XI and XII twin production block - from model shots, to lighting, to CGI... and even background signage!


With so much of the behind-the-scenes technical stuff being covered by the featurettes, and with last year's documentary having covered the process of actually bringing the show back and getting it into production, this time around things are focused more heavily on the scripts and actors.

As such, a wide range of Series XII's guest cast are featured and interviewed - including Norman Lovett, Mac McDonald, Helen George, Ryan Gage, Richard Glover, Ian Boldsworth (Ray Peacock) and Marcus Garvey. And especially excitingly, David Ross returns to Red Dwarf documentaries once again, discussing his reprise of the role of Talkie Toaster.

Along the way, you'll learn how easy it is to become a mechanoid these days, how social media can get you a part in Red Dwarf, and the effect that a returning computer can have on the structural integrity of a studio...


With Series XI and XII both having been so tightly packed with material, there wasn't a huge amount left on the cutting room floor - but we've gathered together some notable highlights of things that were trimmed for time, including an entire alternative ending to one of the episodes! Here's a run-down:

Bonus Package


  • The storyboard - with Chris Barrie narration - that was shown to the audience on the recording night of Starbug stuck turning left.
  • The crew look for a way in to the base.
  • More dialogue between Cat and Vlad the Impaler.
  • Rimmer suspects Professor Telford might be evil for a completely superficial reason.


  • Another storyboard narration, this time by Robert Llewellyn, of the crew tracking down Lister's guitar and Starbug being captured by the SS Vespasian.
  • The original ending to the episode, as Lister forces a not-fully-de-meched Rimmer and Cat to join him in a rendition of "Baby Don't Be Ovulating Tonight".


  • Additional dialogue with the crew and the Crit Cop.
  • The crew are ushered into a jail cell with a pair of criticism junkies.

Bonus Package


  • Lister frantically packs up his quarters as the crew prepare to abandon ship.


  • Rimmer and Lister argue over which of the two of them is worse off.


  • An alternative introduction to The Rat.


It's a Red Dwarf DVD, it's a Smeg Ups compilation. You know the score by now. Expect laughs, swearing and general inappropriateness aplenty.

Bonus Package


Everybody's favourite nerdy director of photography Ed Moore gives a tour around the Red Dwarf set, focusing not only on his own work lighting the set but also on some of the general changes and developments that have taken place to create the Series XI and XII versions of the ship.

Bonus Package


Red Dwarf's original lighting designer John Pomphrey visited the set during production of Series XII - and sat down for a chat with Ed Moore about the different approaches taken to lighting the show in the 1980s/1990s and today.

Bonus Package


Graphic designer Matthew Clark talks through some of his work on Series XII, with particular focus on signage and typography designed to give the set a feeling of depth - along with several in-jokes that you probably won't ever spot on screen!

Bonus Package


Model shoot DoP Nigel Stone, The Model Unit's Mike Tucker and The Magic Camera Company's Andy Rolfe and Peter Seymour Howell discuss the techniques for shooting brand new Red Dwarf and Starbug footage for Series XI and XII - and how design elements going all the way back to Series III have informed the new material.

Bonus Package


Ever wondered just how they did that bit? And that bit? Howard Jones (no relation to the keyboard player!) of AXIS VFX talks through some of the VFX techniques required to pull off some of the series' more striking visuals.

Bonus Package


Sound engineer Rikki Hanson talks about picking up the sounds of Red Dwarf during recording - both on the set and among the audience!

Bonus Package


Voxeljet's Phil O'Connell goes into the detail of how the 3D-printed "Stuntbug" model is made - and destroyed!

Bonus Package

And there we have it - over 140 minutes in total of smegging in-depth bonus material. All of this is available on both the DVD and Blu-ray - with the DVD also featuring a classic-style reversible cover. And it hits shops on Monday 20th November!

Buy the Series XII DVD and Blu-ray sets now!

All Red Dwarf XI/XII news:

Reviews Roundup

Reviews Roundup

Bonus Package

Bonus Package

Twelve's Game

Twelve's Game

Date With A DVD

Date With A DVD

Twelve Rated

Twelve Rated

Let's Go Shopping

Let's Go Shopping

The Post(er) Pod

The Post(er) Pod

Series Pass

Series Pass

Still To Come

Still To Come



American Dwarf

American Dwarf

Poster Hunt

Poster Hunt

Ready To Play

Ready To Play

On The Trail

On The Trail

Teaser For Twelve

Teaser For Twelve

All Right, Dudes?

All Right, Dudes?

Be Our Guests

Be Our Guests

Four Droids On A Shirt

Four Droids On A Shirt

Red Dwarf XII

Red Dwarf XII

The Name Game

The Name Game

Four From Twelve

Four From Twelve



First Look

First Look

XII In Edinburgh

XII In Edinburgh

Eleven Down Under

Eleven Down Under

Ratings Smash

Ratings Smash

RDXI At Home

RDXI At Home

Eleven's Extras

Eleven's Extras

Merch Update

Merch Update

Let's Play

Let's Play

Cover Story

Cover Story

Reviews Roundup

Reviews Roundup

Points Of View

Points Of View

Topping The Charts

Topping The Charts

Shedding Some Light

Shedding Some Light

Season Pass

Season Pass

Dwarf On Disc

Dwarf On Disc

Samsara Rated

Samsara Rated

Play The Game

Play The Game



A New Beginning

A New Beginning

S-F-X You Know I Want It

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New Merchandise Launch

New Merchandise Launch

XI On Play

XI On Play

On The Big Screen

On The Big Screen

On The Repeat Trail

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Six From Eleven

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All The Way To Eleven

All The Way To Eleven

Running Order

Running Order

In The Picture

In The Picture

Ready For Take-Off

Ready For Take-Off

Red Dwarf XI - Coming Soon

Red Dwarf XI - Coming Soon



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Standby For Action

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Begin Again

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Just The Ticket

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Be In Red Dwarf

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All That Reaction

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Red Dwarf Returns... Twice!

Red Dwarf Returns... Twice!

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